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Notifications Visibility Options

You can use the visibilitySettings object to configure where notifications are visible. These are the available options:

Visibility option





True to display this notification in Control Center, False otherwise. If no value is specified it will be set to its previous value or False if a aprevious value was not set.



True to send this notification by email, False otherwise. If no value is specified it will be set to its previous value or False if a previous value was not set.

This option will take effect only if a SMTP server is configured in the Configuration page of Control Center.



True to send email notification to a custom emailing list, False otherwise. The notification will be sent by email to the distribution list only.

If this option is set to True the sendPerEmail parameter must be specified and set to True.

If no value is specified it will be set to its previous value or False if a aprevious value was not set.



(unless useCustomEmailDistribution exists and is set to True)

A list of email addresses to receive the notification via email. When set, only these email addresses receive the notification. When useCustomEmailDistribution is set to True, this list must contain at least one valid email address.



Boolean, if True, default notification email subject lines will contain the text from the emailSubject field. If False, the default email subject line will be used.


This option is only available for the 1,12, 16, 17, 21, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 25, 26, 29, and 31 notification types.



(unless setCustomEmailSubject exists and is set to True)

String, contains the custom text to be used as a subject line for notification emails.


This option is only available for the 1,12, 16, 17, 21, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 25, 26, 29, and 31 notification types.

  • At least one visibility option from showInConsole, sendPerEmail must be set to True when the notification is enabled.

  • The sendPerEmail, useCustomEmailDistribution and emails visibility options are not available for these notification types:

    • 22 - Product Modules Event

Relation Between Notification Type and configurationSettings

Notification type

Available configurationSettings items with their type and possible values

1 - Malware Outbreak

  • useThreshold, boolean, True to trigger this notification when the number of infected managed network objects exceeds a custom threshold, False otherwise

  • threshold, integer, the percentage of managed network objects infected by the same malware. Valid values are between 1 and 100

2 - License Expires

The configurationSettings parameter should not be set for this notification.

3 - License Usage Limit Has Been Reached

  • receiveForChildCompany, boolean, True to receive the notification for a child company, False otherwise

  • triggerSettings, integer, the license status which triggers this notification. Set to 1 for Exceeded, or 2 for Reached and exceeded

4 - License Limit Is About To Be Reached

The configurationSettings parameter should not be set for this notification.

5 - Update Available

  • showConsoleUpdate, boolean, True to receive the notification for console updates, False otherwise

  • showPackageUpdate, boolean, True to receive the notification for package updates, False otherwise

  • showProductUpdate, boolean, True to receive the notification for product updates, False otherwise

9 - Exchange License Usage Limit Has Been Reached

The configurationSettings parameter should not be set for this notification.

10 - Invalid Exchange User Credentials

The configurationSettings parameter should not be set for this notification.

11 - Upgrade Status

The configurationSettings parameter should not be set for this notification.

13 - Authentication Audit

The configurationSettings parameter should not be set for this notification.

17 - Antipshising Event

The configurationSettings parameter should not be set for this notification.

18 - Firewall Event

The configurationSettings parameter should not be set for this notification.

19 - ATC/IDS event

The configurationSettings parameter should not be set for this notification.

20 - User Control Event

The configurationSettings parameter should not be set for this notification.

21 - Data Protection Event

The configurationSettings parameter should not be set for this notification.

22 - Product Modules Event

  • receiveForChildCompany, boolean, True to receive the notification for a child company, False otherwise

23 - Security Server Status Event

  • notUpdated, boolean, True to receive the notification when the Security Server is outdated, False otherwise

  • reboot, boolean, True to receive the notification when the Security Server needs a reboot, False otherwise

24 - Product Registration Event

The configurationSettings parameter should not be set for this notification.

24 - Product Registration Event

  • receiveForChildCompany, boolean, True to receive the notification for a child company, False otherwise

25 - Overloaded Security Server Event

  • useThreshold, boolean, True to receive the notification when the scan load exceeds a custom threshold, False otherwise

  • threshold, integer, the minimum scan load necessary to issue this notification. Valid values are between 1 and 100

26 - Task Status

  • statusThreshold, integer, the task status which triggers this notification. Set to 2 for any status, 3 for failed tasks

27 - Outdated Update Server

The  configurationSettings parameter should not be set for this notification.

32 - Amazon EC2 Trial Expires in 7 Days

The configurationSettings parameter should not be set for this notification.

33 - Amazon EC2 Trial Expires Tomorrow

The configurationSettings parameter should not be set for this notification.

34 - Amazon EC2 Licensing event

The configurationSettings parameter should not be set for this notification.

35 - Amazon EC2 Cancelation event

The configurationSettings parameter should not be set for this notification.

36 - Amazon EC2 Invalid credentials

The configurationSettings parameter should not be set for this notification.