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This method exposes the monthly usage for a company in a target month. Returns only usage from endpoints with the default product type - Endpoint Security. If usage from other product types is needed, refer to the getMonthlyUsagePerProductType method.









The month for which the usage is returned. It should have the following format: mm/yyyy. The default value is the current month.




Only return monthly usage for companies created in a specific time interval. Use the companyRegistrationStartDate and companyRegistrationEndDate parameters to specify the time period you want to query. Possible values: 3.


This parameter can only be used if the companyRegistrationStartDate and companyRegistrationEndDate are present in the request.




Only return monthly usage for companies that were created after this date.


The time used in the request is counted as UTC.




Only return monthly usage for companies that were created before this date.


The time used in the request is considered as UTC.

Return value

This method returns an Object containing the number of license seats used during the specified month, for each acquired service, or 0 if the queried company does not have a monthly license:

  • endpointMonthlyUsage - the monthly usage for all endpoints scanned with local engines.

  • aLaCarteMonhtlyUsage - the monthly usage for endpoints scanned with local engines that belong to companies that use the A-la-carte protection model.

  • mspSecureMonthlyUsage - the monthly usage for endpoints scanned with local engines that belong to companies that use the Secure protection model.

  • mspSecurePlusMonthlyUsage - the monthly usage for endpoints scanned with local engines that belong to companies that use the Secure Plus protection model.

  • mspSecureExtraMonthlyUsage - the monthly usage for endpoints scanned with local engines that belong to companies that use the Secure Extra protection model.

  • emailSecurityMonthlyUsage - the monthly usage for Email Security mailboxes.

  • mobileSecurityMonthlyUsage - the monthly usage for Mobile Security devices.

  • exchangeMonthlyUsage - the monthly usage for Exchange mailboxes.

  • encryptionMonthlyUsage - the monthly usage for the encryption module.

  • atsMonthlyUsage - the monthly usage for the Sandbox Analyzer and HyperDetect modules.

  • edrMonthlyUsage - the monthly usage for the EDR module.

  • mdrFoundationsMonthlyUsage - the monthly usage for MDR Foundations service.

  • patchManagementMonthlyUsage - the monthly usage for the patch management module.

  • containerProtectionMonthlyUsage - the monthly usage for container protection module.

  • integrityMonitoringUsage - the total number of endpoints that make use of Integrity Monitoring.

  • integrityMonitoring90DaysUsage - the number of endpoints that make use of Integrity Monitoring with 90 days event retention.

  • integrityMonitoring180DaysUsage - the number of endpoints that make use of Integrity Monitoring with 180 days event retention.

  • integrityMonitoring1YearUsage - the number of endpoints that make use of Integrity Monitoring with 1 year event retention.

  • xdrIdentitySensorsMonthlyUsage, the monthly usage of Azure AD and Active Directory integration in Sensors Management.

  • xdrProductivitySensorsMonthlyUsage, the monthly usage of Office 365 integration in Sensors Management.

  • xdrNetworkSensorsMonthlyUsage, the monthly usage of Network Sensor integration in Sensors Management.

  • xdrCloudSensorsMonthlyUsage, the monthly usage of AWS integration in Sensors Management.

  • sveVsMonthlyUsage - the monthly usage for virtual servers scanned with Security Server.

  • sveVdiMonthlyUsage - the monthly service usage (in hours) for virtual desktops scanned with Security Server.

  • minimumUsage - An Object containing types of licenses and the minimum number of slots which the company commits through legal agreement to use on a monthly basis:

    • endpointMonthlyUsage, the minimum number of endpoints that the client agreed to use from the main license.



       "params": {
           "targetMonth": "11/2023",
           "usageCoverageType": 3,
           "companyRegistrationStartDate": "2023-09-01T10:03:34",
           "companyRegistrationEndDate": "2023-10-01T12:06:33"
       },       "jsonrpc": "2.0",
       "method": "getMonthlyUsage", 
       "id": "5087eab8-b74f-4a3e-85b3-4271e85890d4"


  "result": {
    "endpointMonthlyUsage": 1,
    "encryptionMonthlyUsage": 0,
    "emailSecurityMonthlyUsage": 0,
    "mobileSecurityMonthlyUsage": 0,
    "exchangeMonthlyUsage": 0,
    "atsMonthlyUsage": 0,
    "edrMonthlyUsage": 0,
    "mdrFoundationsMonthlyUsage": 0,
    "patchManagementMonthlyUsage": 0,
    "integrityMonitoringUsage": 0,
    "integrityMonitoring90DaysUsage": 0,
    "integrityMonitoring180DaysUsage": 0,
    "integrityMonitoring1YearUsage": 0,
    "sveVsMonthlyUsage": 0,
    "sveVdiMonthlyUsage": 0,
    "containerProtectionMonthlyUsage": 0,
    "xdrIdentitySensorsMonthlyUsage": 0,
    "xdrProductivitySensorsMonthlyUsage": 0,
    "xdrNetworkSensorsMonthlyUsage": 0,
    "xdrCloudSensorsMonthlyUsage": 0,
    "aLaCarteMonthlyUsage": 1,
    "mspSecureMonthlyUsage": 0,
    "mspSecurePlusMonthlyUsage": 0,
    "mspSecureExtraMonthlyUsage": 0
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": "5986",
  "error": null