- Company accounts
- Viewing companies
Viewing companies
Once created, you can view the company accounts in the Companies page, together with information regarding the company, products used, and licensing.
You can view the following information for each company you manage:
Company name - the name of the company, as shown in the My company screen.
Company type - the type of company, as selected during the creation process. Possible values:
Partner companies - companies that both use Bitdefender products and distribute them to other companies. They can also manage the security of other companies.
Partner companies are sometimes referred to as managing companies, or parents.
Customer companies - a company that is purchasing Bitdefender products directly from Bitdefender or through a partner, without reselling them to other companies. They can only manage their own security.
Customer companies are sometimes referred to as clients or children.
Company status - indicates if a company is suspended or not (active).
Managed - indicates if the company manages their own endpoint security.
Payment plan - shows the type of payment plan the company is using:
Yearly - The company pays for a product in advance for a predefined period of time. Purchasing a product provides a license key, which has an assigned expiration date. The company has limitless access to the product features until the day of expiration.
Monthly - The company pays a monthly fee, and receives access to a number of features for a specific number of endpoints.
Product name - the name of the main product each company is using.
Companies using monthly subscription licenses will show Monthly Subscription under this column. This does not include companies with a Monthly License Trial.
Product type - displays the type of product the company uses. Possible values:
For monthly subscriptions:
Endpoint Security
Bitdefender EDR
For yearly licenses:
The number of standard products used.
The number of add-ons used.
Product status - indicates if the primary product the company is using is still active.
License key - the license keys for the primary product the company is using.
Expiry date - indicates when a specific license key will no longer be usable. Once the expiry date has passed, your product status will change from active to expired.
Expiry dates are only available for yearly licenses.
Total seats - the total number of seats provided by the product. This applies to:
Companies that get a fixed number of reserved seats from their managing partner.
Partner companies with a license for Cloud Security for MSP. The number of available seats is calculated by deducting the number of reserved and used seats
Companies with yearly licenses.
Usage breakdown - provides detailed information regarding the usage of a specific product:
For products that are bundles (contain multiple products, for example GravityZone Business Security):
X / Y workstations, where X is the number of workstations licensed and Y is the number of workstations that are still available.
A / B servers, where A is the number of servers licensed and B is the number of servers that are still available.
C / D Exchange mailboxes, where C is the number of Exchange mailboxes protected and D is the maximum number of mailboxes that can be protected according to the product.
This will not be shown if the bundle product does not offer Exchange Protection.
For the individual purchase of products:
For GravityZone Security for Endpoints Physical Workstations - X / Y physical workstations, where X is the number licensed and Y is the number that are still available.
For GravityZone Security for Endpoints Physical Servers - X / Y physical servers, where X is the number licensed and Y is the number that are still available.
For GravityZone Security for Virtualized Environments VDI - X / Y virtual desktops, where X is the number licensed and Y is the number that are still available.
For GravityZone Security for Virtualized Environments VS - X / Y virtual servers, where X is the number licensed and Y is the number that are still available.
For GravityZone Security for Workstations - X / Y workstations, where X is the number licensed and Y is the number that are still available.
For GravityZone Security for Servers, X / Y servers, where X is the number licensed and Y is the number that are still available.
For trial products:
X/Y/Z, where X is the number of licensed workstations, Y the number of licensed servers, and Z the number of licensed mailboxes.
Trial products do not have limits to the number of endpoints that can be licensed.
Unlicensed - the number of endpoints that have exceeded the total number of seats available for the company.
Company ID - the company ID, as shown under My Company > Licensing > License Information > My company ID (not to be confused with My company hash).
Auto-renewal - indicates if the subscription the company is using is set to auto-renew.
Companies that have subscription end dates set up, can agree, together with their partner, to automatically extend the original subscription by a specific number of months.
This information is only available for companies that use monthly subscription licenses.
Minimum usage - indicates if the subscription the company is using has minimum usage enabled and what value it has assigned.
Minimum usage indicates the number of seats which the company will pay for regardless of the number of used seats. This number is determined between the company and its partner. If there was no minimum usage set up for a specific company, this characteristic will not apply.
This field is always visible for the partner and only visible to the client company if the option was enabled at the time of company creation.
This information is only available for companies that use monthly subscription licenses.
Subscription end date - indicates if the subscription the company is using has a subscription end date enabled and what date it is set on.
When agreed upon with their partner, some companies will have an end date to their subscription. They will pay a monthly fee for their services, up until a specific end date.
This information is only available for companies that use monthly subscription licenses.
To quickly check license usage for a company (including client networks for partner companies), view the details in the Usage breakdown column.

The usage information is displayed differently depending on your license type.
It can be shown as a simple a/b representation, where a is the number of used seats and b is the total number of seats, or by using a combination of the following terms:
endpoints - Shows the total number of seats, ensured either through reservation or a license key.
Some licenses offer seats only for specific endpoints. In these cases, the usage is broken down by endpoint type: workstations, servers, physical workstations, physical servers, virtual desktops, and virtual servers.
used - Shows the number of seats used from an active license. A license seat is used when the Bitdefender client has been installed on an endpoint.
available - Informs you about the number of endpoints you can allocate a seat to so the maximum allocated value is not exceeded.
reserved - Shows MSP companies the total number of seats that a partner company has reserved for its clients.
mailboxes - Informs you about the number of protected mailboxes, if the company's license also includes the Security for Exchange service.

This license offers 100 seats that are only applicable for workstations. None of these seats are currently in use.

This license offers 50 seats for multiple endpoint types:
endpoints, with 4 seats in use and 36 remaining.
servers, with 4 seats in use and 14 remaining.
mailboxes, with 4 seats in use and 71 remaining.
Depending on your license, the total number of seats may apply differently to specific endpoint types. In this case, 150% of the total number of seats are available for mailboxes and 35% for servers.

The expanded company view will offer information for each individual license.

This company has 15 seats allocated, 0 of which are currently being used.

There are a total of 30 seats available for this company. There are 3 seats available, 0 in use, and 27 are reserved for clients.
To make sure the latest information is being displayed, click the Refresh button. This may be needed when you spend more time on the page.
You can also view detailed information about licenses in the following reports:
License StatusComputer, virtual machine and container reports
Monthly License UsageComputer, virtual machine and container reports
Exchange - Monthly License UsageComputer, virtual machine and container reports