Compliance Standards
You can use the Compliance Standards page to create your own custom compliance standards that are tailored to your own business needs, standards, and organizational policies.
You can access the page using the link in the menu on the left side of the console:

Creating a new compliance standard
To create a new compliance standard follow the steps below:
Click the Create new compliance standard button on the upper right side of the page.
The Create New Compliance Standard window is displayed.
Fill in the standard information and click Save Changes:
The newly created standard is created and displayed in the Compliance Standards page.
Click the Manage compliance standard on the right side of the grid to configure the new standard:
The Manage Compliance Standard page is displayed:
Add the sections of the standard following the steps below:
Click the Add new section button on the upper right side of the page.
The Add New Section window is displayed:
Fill in the name and number of the section.
Click the + Add another section button and repeat the process for all the sections you want to add in the standard.
Click the Add button on the lower right side of the window to save all added sections:
The new sections are saved and added under the Manage Compliance Standard window:
Add the controls for each of the standard's sections:
Click the Add button in the middle of the standard's section:
Alternatively, you can click the + button on the right side of the section.
The Add New Control window is displayed:
Fill in the description and ID of the control.
Click the + Add another section button and repeat the process for all the controls you want to add in the section.
Click the Add button on the lower right side of the window to save all added controls:
The new controls are saved and added under the section in the Manage Compliance Standard window:
Repeat these steps for each section in your standard.
Map the rules for all of the controls:
Click the Map rules to control button on the on the right side of the grid to map the rules for a specific control:
The edit control page is displayed:
You can use the text box at the top of the page to search for rules by name.
Map the rules you want for the control either by:
Individually enabling each rule by clicking the corresponding toggle on the right side of the page:
Select multiple rules using the checkboxes on the right side of the page and click the Save button on the Map rules to a control pane on the lower middle side of the page:
If you toggle off the Map rules to a control option you can select multiple rules that are currently active and click Save to disable them.
Use the path tree on the upper left side of the page to return to the Manage Compliance Standards page:
Repeat these steps for each section in your standard.
Use the path tree on the upper left side of the page to return to the Manage Compliance Standards page:
The standard is displayed, along with a the number of sections, controls, and mapped rules:

Editing a standard
To edit a standard go to the Compliance Standards page, where you have these options:
Click the Manage compliance standard on the Click the Manage compliance standard on the right side of the grid to configure the new standard:right side of the grid to configure the functionality of the standard:
Click the Edit compliance standard button on the Click the Edit compliance standard on the right side of the grid to change the name or description of the standard:
Once you have displayed the Manage compliance standard window, you can use the same steps detailed in the Creating a new compliance standard section to add new sections or controls, edit existing ones, and map or disable rules for a control.