Microsoft Active Directory
Active Directory Integration
Through Active Directory integration, you are able to import into Control Center the existing inventory from Active Directory on-premises and from Active Directory hosted in Microsoft Azure, simplifying security deployment, management, monitoring and reporting. Additionally, Active Directory users can be assigned different user roles in Control Center.
To integrate and synchronize GravityZone with an Active Directory domain:
Go to Configuration > Active Directory > Domains and click
Configure the required settings:
Synchronization interval (in hours)
Active Directory domain name (including the domain extension)
Username and password of a user with full view permissions on the entire Active Directory structure.
Location in the Network inventory where to display the AD endpoints:
Keep AD structure and ignore empty OUs
Ignore AD structure, import to Custom Groups
Keep AD structure only with selected OUs
The Domain Controllers with which Control Center is synchronizing. Expand the Request Domain Controller section and choose the controllers from the table.
Click Save.
Whenever the user password changes, remember to also update it in Control Center.