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EDR installation

The following requirements need to be met for EDR to work on an endpoint:

  • The BEST agent needs to be installed on the endpoint with the EDR Sensor module enabled.

    If your endpoints already have the BEST agent deployed, you can use a Reconfigure agent task to add the module to the endpoint. For more information, refer to Reconfigure agent.

    If no agent is installed, you will need to use an installation package to deploy BEST on your endpoints along with all required modules. For more information, refer to Install security agents - standard procedure.

  • A policy needs to be applied to the endpoint that has the feature enabled in the Incident Sensors page.

    For information on how to enable the feature for a specific policy, refer to Incidents sensor.

  • A license that includes the EDR feature.

    You can find a list of compatible licenses under Feature matrixFeature matrix


If this is your first time using EDR, we recommend checking out our EDR onboarding guide.