Getting started is easy!
Your download should begin shortly. If it doesn’t, click here to download the file manually.
Need help installing? Here are the 5 steps needed to run
Bitdefender Antivirus Free on your computer:
1 device
5 devices
Protects your Windows PC
Offers the most advanced security standards for Windows, macOS, Android and iOS devices
Secures your files from encryption by ransomware
Prevents unauthorized webcam & microphone access
Keeps your network safe from hackers
Includes Bitdefender VPN
Lets you access your devices remotely in case of loss or theft
Cleans & speeds up your devices
Your download should begin shortly. If it doesn’t, click here to download the file manually.
Need help installing? Here are the 5 steps needed to run
Bitdefender Antivirus Free on your computer:
Locate the file you downloaded, then click on it to run the installer.
Wait until the necessary installation files are downloaded.
Click “Install” and follow the instruction on the screen.
Recommended: after the install finishes, click on “Sign in to Bitdefender” to activate your protection.
Create or sign in to your existing Bitdefender Central account to activate Bitdefender Antivirus Free.
That’s it! Bitdefender Antivirus Free is now up and running on your computer.
Your subscription may include product, service and/or protection updates and features that may be added, modified or removed subject to Bitdefender Subscription Agreement and Terms and Conditions for Home Users and Privacy Notice.